.. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: In IDE Plugin :titlesonly: intro topics ref guiref troubleshooting whatsnew faqs .. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: Headless (CI/CD) :titlesonly: headless/manual .. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: other :titlesonly: downloads links dataprivacystatement glossary Sensei Documentation ==================== Sensei is an IDE plugin for IntelliJ that performs on the fly code analysis. This behavior is configurable with what we call 'recipes', which are contained in 'cookbooks'. Existing cookbooks can be found at the `Sensei Hub `__. :doc:`intro/installation` ____ How this documentation is organized ----------------------------------- - :doc:`Tutorials ` take you through a series of steps to create recipes. These will be used to automatically detect and fix coding mistakes. - :doc:`Topic guides ` explain key topics and concepts from a high level. Understanding these is required to be able to work effectively with Sensei. - :doc:`Reference guides ` contain the technical documentation and explanations for all the possible configuration options. - :doc:`troubleshooting` contains useful information that helps to understand why Sensei isn't behaving as expected. ____ First time? ----------- If this is the first time you've come into contact with Sensei then take a look at the following pages: - :doc:`intro/installation` - :doc:`intro/overview` - :doc:`Writing a recipe ` - :doc:`faqs` .. raw:: html

____ Already using Sensei, but wanting to learn more about recipe creation? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a few key topics and concepts that are to be understood before you can take full advantage of Sensei. - :doc:`topics/distribution` - :doc:`topics/untrustedinput` - :doc:`topics/misconfiguration` - :doc:`topics/advancedsearch` - :doc:`... `